Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday/ Cyber Monday
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Things I Love: Larimeloom by Lucia Squillari

Friday, November 7, 2008
Sale Still Going On!
Also, LittleBrownBird is still offering FREE SHIPPING throughout the month of November on everything in the shop. You can save 10%-30% on beautiful jewelry, accessories, and more!
Featured Etsy Artists: November 6, 2008 Treasury
From left to right starting at the top:
Indie Red and Black Striped Strapless Bubble Dress with Yellow Posh lining by Yellowcake
Story of O -Size M by JunkhouseDollyard
STEAMED - Steampunk Brass and Copper wire ring with Carnelian bead by CatherinetteRings
Rabbits in Vermilion by Krisblues
Lucky Lil' Devil on Black Women's Tank by decoysofmanhattan
Red and Pine Forest Moon Bun by moonscreations
Personalized Chocolate Damask Holiday Gift Enclosure (set of 8) by becreativestationery
Manfelts Felted Woolen Knitted Slipper Socks Size 11-12 by pawfelts
6 Red Brown Felt Beads by piril
MINIATURE TREE ORNAMENTS-Genuine Beach Stones/Christmas Dangles by SeaMe
Red Planet Ring in Garnet, One of A Kind by onegarnetgirl
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Jewelry on Etsy Team Holiday Sale
Things I Love: Krize (Kristina Sabaite)

Friday, October 24, 2008
Front Page Treasury!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
A Citizen's Suggestion to the US Presidential Candidtes
I just hope the last debate will actually be a debate. So far, I've heard just a little bit from Obama, but I've not heard a single new idea or plan of action of any kind from McCain. Do the republicans really think that they can campaign the same old way it's been done in the past in this day and age? Talking in circles, selectively focusing on records, exaggerating negatives, and flat out refusing to answer questions then changing the subject? Really??? Do they think we're stupid?! And I'm so sick and tired of hearing what the problems are. We know what the problems are! I want to know what they are going to do about it! Step by step, give me the details!
Yes, campaign promises are usually just pipe dreams. Especially if it's "I'm gonna get this economy back on track!" How? Tell me how you plan on doing it, and everything else you promise. Step 1, step 2, step 3... And if they seem like feasible ideas, then you've got my vote. The one thing I don't want to hear is more of "I voted for x bill but my opponent didn't."
Here's my personal list (other voters have their own) in no particular order, of the things that concern me most for the next President of the United States:
-Fix the economy, without just throwing tax-payers' money at it. Put measures in place to ensure that this doesn't happen again. And no more golden parachutes- if I get fired from my job, I don't get a bonus for it!
-Get the credit crisis under control so people can stop panicking, housing prices can stabalize, and banks can begin lending again.
- Lower the cost of health care (which has seemed to have gotten lost in the shuffle lately), and limit patents on drugs so that there can be some competitive pricing out there. No more people having to decide between buying food or prescription drugs!
-Force states to lower property taxes on homes that are no longer worth what they were when we bought them, and do it NOW, not two years from now!
-End the war in Iraq. Just end it.
- Give me solid resources for retirement planning so I don't work my ass off my entire life just to live my last days scraping by. (Don't even get me started on social security.) And crack down on those abusing the system, sucking up all public resources, leaving nothing for those that truly need it!
- Back off my right to choose! You don't know me, you don't know my beliefs, you don't know my personal situation, you don't know my health, and you certainly don't know the decision I would make, but the decision is MINE!
-Make education a priority in this country! Shouldn't it be a wake-up call that the leader of this country for the past 8 years thinks he's "the decider"? And his wife was a teacher! It's frightening to think that people so high up in office do not even have the ability to communicate. Without education, how can we expect to compete (or even compare) globally?
(and, while we're on the subject of communication, education, and global competitiveness...)
-Make education of world history and cultures a priority. The world has become so much smaller, as we have witnessed with the current global economic shake-up. We (speaking globally) are so closely connected, yet are so horribly ignorant of the world outside of our own individual bubbles. The root of every war is firmly planted in ignorance and fear. Americans, in my opinion, have become so much less tolerant of other cultures. (That really is shocking since the foundation of this country is, and always has been, built on the backs of immigrants in search of something better.) We have been programmed to think that the US is the best country in the world and that "our way" is the only way. The truth is, most people in this country have never even set foot outside of it (spring break in Cancun doesn't count), and have never experienced the rest of the world. It sounds cliche, but we really don't realize how lucky we are in this country. But there is so much to be learned from the world outside. And from that knowledge, we can begin to understand why some cultures hate Americans so much. And here's a novel thought, we might even begin to bridge the gap and discover shared ideologies. <-- If that word was too big for you, I rest my case.
I have many other concerns for the next administration. In fact, it seems to be a never-ending list, as it should be. But if the candidates can tell me what they are going to do about the issues above, that would be a good start for me.
The views expressed here are my own. I realize and respect the fact that others may not share these views. This is meant to be a launching point for discussion.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Presidential Debate(?) #2
Misleading statements, exaggerations, lies, you name it...oh ya, and name calling (almost forgot that one). It was a lively debate. Oh, did I say debate? Hmm, most debates I've ever seen have two people stating facts to back up their arguments. There were indeed facts, and some of them were actually left in proper context (I was surprised) but there were many more "facts" that were twisted. I won't pass judgement here, for I believe everyone has the right to decide for themselves who should be the next US President. I've been trying to keep a very open mind until the polls officially open, but it's getting harder every day. Especially since I heard only one candidate actually answer the questions from last nights debate. The other one, to me at least, came off as a very bitter little man, "my friends". It was extremely frustrating! I really want to have a hard time deciding who to vote for because there are two highly qualified, "get-it done" type of candidates. But once again, it looks as though we are left to decide the lesser of two evils (perhaps evil is too harsh, but we'll see). I know one candidate that, if he doesn't get elected President, should at least get the most votes on "Dancing with the Stars" for dancing around the subject!
Again, I urge you to get the facts. Please log on to and see for yourself.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Little Red, White, & Blue Lies
But little white lies never hurt anyone, right? I'm not so sure about that. Maybe if it comes from a 6 year old who's afraid of getting reprimanded for trying to flush his sister's Barbie down the toilet. But how about when it's a candidate running for the highest office in the land? I mean, politics is politics and mud-slinging is a given during election time, but shouldn't we hold our leaders to a higher standard? *I can sense you rolling your eyes.* I know, so what's new, right?
Well, if you want to truly do your patriotic duty next month *ya, I said next month* I suggest you get the facts straight. Sound bites on campaign commercials and not-so-objective commentaries from news anchors may be entertaining, but they don't really give you the full picture. In the coming weeks leading up to the election, do yourself, and your country, a favor. Get the facts. Click onto to find out who's telling the truth, who's not, and who's offering a slightly skewed sense of the facts.
Things I Love: Fashion by Stella McCartney
First up, Stella McCartney. Fashion week in France is winding up and one of the stand-outs, for me at least, is Stella McCartney.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
For the Love of Copper
Monday, September 15, 2008
Etsy Down Again!
Now, Etsy has mysteriously disappeared! It happened about a half hour ago and as of yet, I can find no information as to what happened. My guess is the server finally crashed. Whatever it is. I hope it won't be for long! To stay on top of it, you may want to check out Unofficial Etsy News
to find out the latest.
An hour later, Etsy is back up and running. No word still on what went wrong.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Pesto Planning!
Ok, you're thinking, "but Mary, I thought you planted 8 different herbs." Ya, I I said, I have TWO very healthy herb plants.
I began my herb garden by using the method that I learned in 4th grade. I spread my seeds out on a paper towel and added water. Within days, I had tiny basil sprouts peeking out at me. The other herbs (mint, sage, lavender, cilantro, dill, terragon, rosemary) began to sprout as well.
By the time it was ready to transfer the sprouts to a pot with dirt, I think I was down to about 5 herbs. Some took off immediately, others withered away after a week or so. Still not bad for someone like me. The sprouts you see here are basil.
The basil seems to be doing the best! I'm so glad, because I use basil more than anything. The other plant that has taken off is mint. For most of the summer, I have been enjoying alot of recipes with fresh mint and basil. In fact, the plants have done so well, that I have begun drying some of the basil and I could actually split the plants to give some away. Who knows what the fall and winter months may bring. I'm sure they won't last with little sun and being near a cold window. So I am making plans to make a fantastic pesto should my basil plant begin to look, well, not so lushy. For now though, The basil is "a plenty" and the $.99 packet of seeds has saved me about $12 a week! I figure, given the amount of fresh basil that I usually go through, it has saved me about $90 this summer. Not a bad return on my tiny investment! Now, if my stocks were so lucky...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tomato Hugger
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Furniture Buying 101
For most, buying furniture can be a mind numbing experience anyway. Especially if you want to do anything custom. (Oooooh, there's that really expensive word, "custom". More on that in a bit.) The choice of fabrics and leathers, styles, you want it to recline, swivel, get up an get you a drink? Endless! It's enough to drive most people insane. And at the end of it, we forget why we needed furniture in the first place...because the last sofa broke.
Here is where that email question comes in. My friend (name changed to protect privacy) Susie said that she has had a sectional sofa from (name changed so I don't get sued) ABC Furniture Co. and has had it for only 3 years. The cushions are literally coming apart at the seams, as if there was not enough fabric allowed for a proper seam. She has never liked the way it sat, firm in one area, soft in another, different sections were higher than others, etc. When she bought it, she was told by the sales person that "it would last forever." (Hmmm, more on that later too.) Susie wanted to get some advice before plunking down another $3000 on something new, and praying the same thing doesn't happen again. As I started writing my reply, I realized how many times I have (happily) given the same advice to various friends as well as my own clients. It occured to me that most people are truly confused when it comes to knowing what furniture is "good" and what is not. What makes one sofa $300 and another one $3000? They look the same.
For full disclosure, I have to say that I do sell ABC Furniture brand, as well as other brands, so I know the company quite well. And I did not sell Susie her sofa, nor did she purchase it at my store. But I can say that ABC's frames and "spring" system are well known for being extremely strong and longer lasting than many other brands. But that's just the frame part if it, fabrics and other parts that are supplied to the furniture manufacturer are a different story. The key is how that manufacturer intends to rectify a problem.
So now, a few thoughts on Susie's current sectional sofa. Of course, without seeing her sofa first hand, I'm only guessing, but...
-First, the frame and workmanship (stitching, etc) should have a lifetime warranty through it's manufacturer, ABC Furniture Co. A lifetime warranty, which is not always offered with every manufacturer, means that it is covered for as long as you own that piece, in its original fabric or leather. If you have your sofa reupholstered, it will void all warranties.
-Fabric is always a one year warranty against defects (that's defects from the fabric mill, not ABC Furniture Co.), this is industry standard no matter where you buy your furniture. Some retail stores offer an extended warranty (through a company not related to the manufacturer)on fabric protection for an extra price that will cover rips, stains, cigarette burns, etc. for 3 or 5 years.
-The store where Susie bought it should be able to work with the factory on her behalf to have the sectional repaired (if she wishes).
-It's unlikely that the fabric on the cushions was cut wrong since, as with most large furniture factories like ABC, it is an automated cutting system run by a computer, unless you happened to get the end of the bolt and the fabric had run out(entirely possible, still unlikely). But sometimes it does happen where fabric is accidently sewn by a worker slightly off center leaving little room at the other edge for the seam. When the piece goes through a final inspection, it's easy to miss. But this is part of the workmanship warranty from ABC and is covered for repair.
-Not sure why each piece of the sectional is a different height. I would need to see it to come up with a reason. It sounds like Susie just wants to replace it anyway, but I want to help her try and avoid problems. My questions to her would be whether or not she has a sleeper or recliners in one side but not on the other? That could explain the height difference because of the mechanisms in those kinds of pieces. It could also explain the difference in firmness, since sleepers and recliners will usually be firmer than a regular piece. There is no way to get a non-reclining or non-sleeper piece that feels the same as one with either of those machinisms in it.
After having a little insight on what may have gone wrong with her present sectional sofa, I'd like Susie, and others to arm themselves with a bit of knowledge on how furniture is constructed and how to spot the problems you may have before you make that purchase.
- Give up the notion that there exists a perfect sofa, chair, table, bedroom, or whatever, that has never had, or will ever have any problems. Like Prince Charming, this is just a fairy tale . Things come in from the factories all the time with dings and scratches, and other goofy stuff that you wouldn't believe. Most stores have to do little touch-ups here or there on brand new pieces right out of the box. It doesn't mean it's not a quality piece, it's just reality. Even the highest end furniture companies have to deal with this. Just because piece of furniture is really expensive doesn't make it magic. Its still put together by humans and we all have our bad days.
- Look for a strong frame. Solid wood frames are great if they are made of maple or even poplar. Solid pine, not so much. Other strong frames are those made with plywood (plywood does not mean particle board) Plywood is made from sheets of wood layered with the grain on each layer going in an alternating direction. Since wood expands with moisture, alternating the direction of the grain limits this expansion, which limits warping and cracking. Sometimes this type of material is also called engineered wood. It has been specifically engineered to withstand the stress of everyday use in a particular type of product. Wood that has been engineered for use in a sofa may be different than wood engineered for use in a table or desk.
- Some wood names given as the type used for a particular piece of furniture are not what you expect they are. This is usefull information for most casegoods (wood furniture like tables, bedrooms, dining rooms). An example of this is a particular furniture collection that I have sold many times which is made of "select hardwood solids with Santos Rosewood veneers". Santos Rosewood is not actually a true rosewood, but mimics the look of Brazilian Rosewood (also known as Rio Rosewood), an endangered species of actual rosewood. Santos Rosewood is a beautiful alternative to the endagered Brazillian (Rio) Rosewood, however, it has different properties. It’s best to Google the complete name given to the wood type used. You will find countless sites that show the hardness scale, moisture resistance, etc. Often these properties are compared against typical American Oak, which most people are very familiar with. (By the way, American Oak is not the hardest wood like most people tend to believe, but hard enough to withstand a great deal of stress.)
- Look for upholstered furniture with the term “8-way hand tied”. This refers to a coiled spring construction. The springs are individually tied by hand to each other using a very strong twine and then tied directly to the wood frame by wrapping the twine around nails and then knotted. The nail is then pounded into place, securing the twine. This type of construction has been the ideal standard for centuries. A less preferred type of this construction is a “drop-in unit” in which the coiled springs are clamped together using metal clips. The drop-in unit is then set into the wood frame and clamped into place. The clips have a tendency to slip and break loose over time and the springs will become loose, or the entire unit may rock back and forth. A lesser preferred construction will have a zigger, or zig-zag shaped spring in the base of the sofa. This is the same type of spring used in most sofa backs. While it is pretty much the standard for the back of the sofa, this type is considerably less strong than a coiled spring and will almost certainly sag with heavy use. It is usually found in more contemporary or trendy looking upholstery that people tend to change after just a few years. Farther down on the quality totem pole is upholstered furniture that uses nylon webbing instead of metal springs. Just think how many lawn chairs you have thrown out over the years, ‘nuff said. Nylon webbing is still acceptable in most occassional chairs and dining chairs.
- Try lifting one end of the sofa at the corner 6 inches off the floor. If only the one corner that you are holding lifts off the floor, the frame is too loose. If both legs at that end of the sofa lift, the frame is probably well enough constructed, but ask what type of wood was used to construct the frame, then ask about the springs, and so on.
- Listen for squeaks and other noises as a sign of a loose frame or a faulty swivel or rocking/reclining mechanism.
-The foam in all seat cushions will break-in over time but should not break down and fall apart. A firmer cushion does not always mean it will last longer than a soft cushion. Look for manufacturers that include the seat cushions in the warranty. Note: not all types of cushions by one manufacturer will be covered in the warranty, usually just the standard cushion for that style frame. Down and down-blend cushions will almost always have a frumpy look over time.
-It is preferable to have seat cushions that are less than 30” wide each. Larger seat cushions will show a wrinkled look after someone has been sitting on it. This will be evident from the very first time you sit on the sofa. It's not a defect, just comon sense and the nature of a soft product. Larger cushions also have slightly less support and may sag with heavy use. If you want cushions (seat and back) that do not change their shape what-so-ever after someone has been sitting on or against them, I suggest concrete. And yes, your back cushions WILL mush down if you let Fido sit on the very top of them.
- Whether or not the back cushions are attached to the sofa or loose should not affect the quality. Loose cushions have the advantage of being turned or rotated, while attached cushions tend to stay straight and more tailored. It’s your choice. Keep in mind the maintenance required to preserve the look that you want for that piece and whether or not you are willing to do it!
- The word "laminated" need not be feared. Most people think of lamination as a thin sheet of imitation wood glued on top of particle board. Lamination actually refers to the process in which two or more layers (of anything) are glued together (to anything else). Remember what we learned about plywood frames in upholstered furniture? The same is true of the word "veneer". A veneer is the "thin layer" that is laminated to the top or outside edge of a piece of furniture. Most fine casegoods (wood) furniture has a veneer of a nicer looking wood laminated over either an uglier piece of the same type of wood, or over another type of wood in order take advantage of certain properties. You may often see "maple solids with maple veneers" or "cherry solids with fancy-faced mahogany veneers". A fancy-faced veneer is one in which the different grains or grain directions of the wood have been manipulated to achieve a particular look, such as a diamond pattern in the veneer.
-For upholstery, press down on the arm. If you feel it give or hear a pop, the arm has been most likely constructed using cardboard (yes, cardboard) to form the shape. This is obviously not as strong as an all wood construction and may give way under the pressure of someone sitting on the arm. If you press down on the arm and you immediately feel wood, there is not enough padding between the outer fabric and the wood frame. Friction will cause the fabric to tear from
the inside-out.
These are all things to consider when trying to determine quality from "crap". Although, "crap" does have it's place. Consider purchasing something of lesser quality to send with your kids to their college apartment. Or better yet, buy yourself something of better quality for the room you use the most in your own house and ship that old sofa off to college. It will probably last until graduation and your graduate might even make a buck selling it to some other under-grad. (Be sure and hit him up for a portion of the profit!)
Most of all, make sure the furniture you buy performs the function that you require for where it's going. If it's for the living room that no ever goes into except on Christmas and Easter, consider buying something that looks nice, but is not as good a quality on the inside as what you would need for the family room that gets used everyday. Don't skimp to save cash on something that you know will get heavy use. Family room, kitchen, and kids' furniture take the hardest beating. Put your hard-earned cash there. There is one exception that you may want to make for a formal dining room. Although it may not get as heavy use, a formal dining room is meant to impress. Sometimes, because of hand-carved elements and more luxurious fabrics, dining room furniture can get costly. If that's the look you want, you may not get it in a set that's cosiderably less expensive. Is it necessary? Maybe not. But how many times do you plan on purchasing a dining set? Sometimes you have to look down the road a bit.
I know I have covered alot. Actually, there is much, much more that I could go over for you. But having some information before you get to that furniture store will arm you with enough to keep you from being intimidated right out the door. You have a more than decent base knowledge that you will be able to ask questions and actually understand the answers. No more glazed expression on your face when the salesperson says "eight-way hand tied" (go back and read it again above), no more negative thoughts when you hear "veneer".
And by all means, if you don't understand something or can't find what you are looking for, don't be afraid to ask for help! The salesperson is your brother(or sister)-in-arms in your battle against home decorating. Most have an education in Interior Design and will happily guide you through choosing patterns, colors, and finding pieces that fit your specific needs. Helping you furnish your home and giving you guidance in the process (with as little stress and headaches as possible) is exactly what they were hired to do! Most of these people also work soley on commission. Keep this in mind if you leave and return to the store another day. It's proper and to your advantage to ask for the person that you began working with (unless you were unhappy with them) when you return. They will be up to date on what you are working on and can pick up right where you left off. They may have even come up with additional ideas for you in the mean time. Keep in mind also, that while you are welcome to negotiate for a better price, this is the person that has just helped you navigate the Bermuda Triangle. Often times, any discount (any at all, or after a certain point) that they may give you comes directly out of their own paycheck.
Many stores will offer the option to have one of their designers come out to your home. Although some stores say this service is free, it is usually for a fee that then becomes part of your deposit if you should finalize your purchase (free with a purchase). This is pretty standard in most better furniture stores. If you know you will probably purchase something from that store, it may be to your advantage to pay the up-front fee and have a designer come out. Some people balk at the idea of having to pay this fee, but the designer's time is not free. The fee up front insures the designer that they will be paid for their time away from the showroom and paid for their expert advice (you don't know any lawyers or doctors that give free advice, do you?), and when you make your purchase, you will be credited that amount.
Throughout this article, you probably came up with additional questions related to your own project. I would be happy to answer anything I can, just post your question in the comments section and I'll post an answer as soon as I can. I would like to get a list of some furniture manufacturers that I think have quality furniture at good price points. I've run out of time for today, but I'll try to do that soon.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Real Lives Behind Real Art: Beautiful handmade greeting cards from Beautiful Greetings
Saturday, June 28, 2008
TasteSpotting- It's Back!!!!!!
What a great way to wake up in the morning! To flip open the notebook and log onto my blog, and on a whim (and out of habit) click onto the link for TasteSpotting just to see what would happen. I couldn't believe my eyes!
TasteSpotting has returned! The delectable web site has found a new home and has picked up right where it left off. I can't wait to jump back in and roll around in that yummy goodness! In the past week, TasteSpotting has had something cooking. Another note on the cyber-fridge, the sound of pots and pans clanking behind the computer screen...hmm, I wondered why I smelled paprika coming from my hard drive.
The absence of Tastespotting since friday the 13th of June has been upsetting, to say the least. But if there was one savory thing to come from it, it would be the emergence of FoodGawker. Thanks to Chuck at SundayNightDinner, epicurians everywhere have had a safe haven to weather out the storm. FoodGawker has had a great start and seems to be taking off. I hope it stays around. Like digging a fork into a rich, gooey double chocolate cake (the breakfast of champions), FoodGawker and TasteSpotting together is double the fun. What could possibly be wrong with that?!
Grab a Bloody Mary to nurse those hangovers. It's time to get cooking!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What do my blog and my kitchen cabinets have in common?
I have already transferred some of my latest food posts to the new blog. I will have links to all my favorite culinary websites, recipes, tips, and progress on my herb garden (which I have just transferred to pots this morning!) I'm also thinking of doing something like the wine of the month, or maybe cookie, or cupcake...I'm not quite sure yet. But there will definately be lots of fun articles because if you ever saw me in the kitchen, you'd laugh your ass off!
New ideas are always coming. As the blog develops it will have more clearly defined sections. I'm sorting through all my favorite links and recipes now. Maybe I should also include work-out tips, since I have a feeling, this is going to be a fattening undertaking!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Food Gawker-A New Tasty Treat! has taken the reigns to lead lovers of "food porn" to the promised land. Bloggers are already posting and it seems to be off to a great start. I for one will be checking it out as soon as I'm done writing this post.
I hear there are other sites starting to pop up hoping to create something as wonderful as Tastespotting. I will hunt them down and add links to my column on the left as I find them.
Food is one of the essentials of life, and so too is food blogging! Thank you Chuck from Sunday Night Dinner for getting Food Gawker up and running so quickly. You don't know how many meals you have saved!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
No Tastespotting! I'm sad, cold, alone...and hungry!!!
Where, oh where has my gone?!
To quote one of my favorite shows, "Sex and the City"..."He broke up with you in a Post-It note?!"
As you can see from the note left on the cyber-refrigerator that used to be, the web site beloved by foodies all over the world is no more. It's heart-breaking. I feel like I have just lost my best friend. I have been punched in my empty, grumbling stomach.
For those of you not fortunate enough to have "relished" (sorry, had to do it) this web site before, Tastespotting was kind of like an on-line recipe box of sorts. Bloggers worldwide posted their best recipes, advice on food and wine, and other food related articles. Pages and pages (somewhere around 350 pages on 6-12-08) of yummy thumbnail pictures were linked to blogs containing each recipe or article, and even better, from there, hundreds, if not thousands of other recipes. The trail of food related blogs was endless. Pure heaven for anyone who enjoys cooking(or eating!). It was a gateway to thousands of educational sources that could have rivaled any culinary academy.
I had found this web site about a year ago and have enjoyed and been inspired by many of the recipes and articles that were posted. I have a link in the left column on this blog to Tastespotting in order to share what was a wonderful source of culinary inspiration. I had even been hoping to one day post some of my own recipes.
So far, I have not found the true reason for the end of And I refuse to believe it is really gone forever. Whatever the legal complications are, I'm hoping it can be sorted out and Tastespotting will one day return. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that there may have been some kind of copyright issue involved. Although most of the recipes and articles were original and posted by the authors themselves, I do remember seeing a few blog posts that spoke about and contained pictures from published works. This may be the sticking point. If so, it may be possible to just remove those posts and keep a tighter control on future posts to make sure they are in compliance with current copyright laws.
Whatever the issue, I do hope to see return soon! I will leave the link on my blog just in case. *fingers crossed*
I am not alone in my misery. Foodies everywhere are left confused and yearning. For further thoughts on the disappearance of, check out the comments on . If anyone can shed some light on this, feel free to leave a comment here as well.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Lil' baby herbs...koochie koo!
This tarragon will go marvelously with a nice juicy about a month or so.
I'm so excited. The other seeds have not sprouted yet but a few of them look almost ready. I think the coriander will be the next to start showing signs of life and it will be on its way to becoming cilantro. Ooh, I have so many recipes that call for cilantro, it bugs me that I still have to buy it while I wait. Patience, patience...
Monday, June 9, 2008
My obsession!!!!
Of course, here in the midwest, the unofficial start to summer happened on Memorial Day. When WAS that again? Mother nature seems to have forgotten the traditional start to the sun, fun, and beach season. Well, WTF?! I busted my @$$ for rain every freakin' day? Tornado warnings, flash floods, hail! Ya, I said HAIL! You know, that stuff that is actually chunks of ICE falling from the sky! In JUNE!
That does it. No more Ms. Nice Girl. I promised my self that when I reached my goal weight and summer arrived, I was going to give in to my obsession. I have been craving a Red Velvet cupcake with cream cheese icing. Just a cupcake. Not a big deal. What harm could that be?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
In the kitchen with Mary...
mmm...doesn't it just make you drool?
This first recipe that is going into the book is a smoked turkey sausage served with spaghetti squash, into which, I mixed 3 different cheeses. I cleverly named it...wait for the drum-roll...
Oh ya, I'm not a vegan!
I will be refining the recipe a little before I set the final version in stone. I used red onion, which I usually don't cook because I prefer the bite of it when it's raw. But I had a little red onion left over in the fridge that I wanted to use before it went bad (naughty onion) so I mixed it with a little spanish onion, also a left-over. I really want the sausage to stand out though so I think I might try this with shallots next time. According to Mario (Iron Chef Mario Batali), shallots have a more subtle flavor. I don't remember a specific time that I have cooked with shallots before but I'm sure I have. And I like the slight pinkish color of shallots too. I want this dish to be colorful. I thought of adding roasted red pepper or sundried tomatoes to the mix but I thought the flavors would get too much in the way of the sausage, and certainly the spaghetti squash, for this one.
Spaghetti squash has such a lightness about it that it is easily overwhelmed by other stronger flavors. For that reason, I am also going to cut down on the amount of cheese. Oh, there will still be three cheeses, just not as much. I didn't use much cheese to begin with. But I also want to make this a healthy dish. I chose cheeses that pack a lot of flavor in them so I don't have to use so much to get the point across. You're dying to know what they are, aren't you? Fine, whatever. I used a little fresh goat cheese to create a nice creamy sauce. I also love, love, love asiago so I had to throw that in there. The last one was one that I haven't cooked with before. I found that aged provolone, which I don't like in my favorite tomato and provalone sandwhich (I prefer the lighter taste of regular provalone for that), is quite nice when melted. The aged provalone has a good bite to it like parmesan but...different. The asiago and aged provalone do get a little oily (which doesn't really jive with the whole "healthy" thing) when melted but I think that problem will be solved once I reduce the amounts used.
Isn't it pretty?
The result of this first try was incredibly "nummers"! The kitchen smelled sooooo good and it looked good enough to, well, eat. Don't laugh, you haven't heard about all my culinary disasters. That's going to be a whole other book. And my neighbors must think I'm crazy, out on the patio taking "beauty shots" of my food before I eat it! Whatever, it's my world, everyone else is just scenery. LOL!
Spice cabinet woes!

Spice cabinet woes!
Originally uploaded by littlebrownbird
A close up of the scene of the crime! I spend most of my "cooking" time looking for the spice or dried herb that I need. And when I open the cabinet, tiny bottles go flying into my sauce pans! I don't exactly have a user-friendly kitchen.
My tiny spice cabinet.

My tiny spice cabinet.
Originally uploaded by littlebrownbird
I'm hoping to figure out a way to organize this mess. I have the tiniest kitchen and only this tiny cabinet to store all my spices. As you can see, I use A LOT of spices when I cook. Very few of these go unused.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
My New Herb Garden
I will be planting my own herb garden in a couple of big pots on my patio since my townhome association doesn't allow such planting in the yard.
Who knew 4th grade was important?
As best that I can remember from left to right, starting at the top: Mint, Sage, Rosemary, Lavender, Cilantro/Coriander, Basil, Tarragon, Dill.
I'm starting my herb garden the way I learned in 4th grade. Lay the seeds out on a wet paper towel and cover. They should start sprouting in a few days.
Coriander is the seed form of Cilantro.
Basil seeds.
These are so cool! Just about 2 minutes under the wet paper towel and already they begin to transform. Don't these kind of look like caviar at this stage?
I do admit to having a brown thumb when it comes to gardening so this might be a bit of an adventure at best. At worst, I'll be starting this over again next week. I can't wait to start cooking with these though. They say food tastes better when you make it yourself. I'm hoping the same is true when you grow your own herbs.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Is that a sale in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
************SALE TODAY!!!************
**10% off all Fine Silver
**BOGO!- Buy one Chiyogami or Deco paper decoupage pendant or pendant and tin set, get one of equal or lesser vale for FREE!
**30% off all other bracelets,earrings,necklaces, or hair accessories!
Buy three or more items and get free shipping!
(All sales final. Sale prices not applicable to custom orders.)************************************
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
No Excuses (part 2) Setting Goals- Defining a Specific Target
Ok, so having established which are your hobby items and which are your business, ask yourself this question: Is my business as successful as it could be? I’ll bet each one of you reading this heard a resounding “NO!” in your head. I’ll even bet some of you said it out loud. Many of us start each year, month, week, or whatever telling ourselves that some day we’ll sell more…some day we’ll be so successful that we won’t know what to do with ourselves. Well…how, my dear, do you plan on doing that? You can’t get to Disney World without a plan. And once you get there, you’d better have a map and be prepared to wait in line…unless… you know exactly where you want to go. Wandering aimlessly around the internet, listing items wildly on every site you find is about as effective as if you were at Disney World, standing in every line for every ride, when all you really want to do is get to Cinderella’s Castle. Have you figured out the analogy yet? The castle is your goal. And it can represent anything, you just have to define it. Once you do that, your odds of meeting that goal will be much better.
So what now? We need to identify our individual goals. No wait, screw that, it sounds too much like homework. Just answer this question: What is it that you want to accomplish with regard to your business? Do you even want to be in business? If your answer to the second question is “No, this is just a hobby.” then stop here. Take your items off-line and stop cluttering up the web with mindless junk. In this scenario, on the road to success, you are either a speeding two-ton truck or you are road kill, creating speed bumps for the rest of us. Now, if the answer to the first question is “Total World Domination”…ok, well, you’re still dreaming, but at least you’re headed in the right direction.
Why don’t we start with something a little more attainable like, “I would like to double my sales from last year.” Or, if you don’t really have any sales to speak of from last year, pick a number. It could be 50 sales, 100 sales, or a dollar amount like $500, $1000, $5000. Whatever the number, be realistic. That does not mean pick a low number. It is perfectly realistic to pick any one of the numbers I mentioned, even if it’s at the high end. Other sellers have done it, why can’t we? I’m going to set my goal at doubling my current sales. Now, that isn’t random but I have to state that clearly in order to have a set number in mind. As of my one year anniversary on Etsy, I had made 49 sales in my on-line shop. To keep it simple, I’ll round that up to 50. According to my goal for this year, I should make 100 additional sales by March 27 next year. I have picked a particular number, a clear target to reach. I am now 5 weeks into my second year on Etsy and already, I have 16 sales in my jewelry shop. That’s 1/3 of my total sales from my first year, made in just over a month. Not a bad start.
The idea is to keep that going. We are headed into summer in the US which is notoriously slower in retail, generally speaking. It is, however, a busier time for those who choose to sell their handmade items at art and craft fairs. I cringe at the thought! Sitting behind a table in the hot summer months hawking my jewelry is not my idea of fun in the least. But it is definitely one way to boost sales, big time! It is also difficult for anyone in my position who works a 40 hour a week job and needs to be at work on the weekends. (Did I tell you I love retail?) That makes it very difficult for me to sell at art fairs and festivals since I don’t want my jewelry business to disrupt my full time job if I can help it. Another option for me might be to do house parties during the week. A few hours selling at private parties has often put an extra $700 or so in my pocket. Not a bad gig if you can get it.
So, if you haven’t done it yet, a very important goal for this coming summer should be to book a few festivals or parties to keep the cash flow a little steady. If you’re lucky and have the time and energy to devote to one of these a week or every two weeks, you should be sitting pretty well before the holiday shopping season in the fall. Don’t forget to plan your inventory accordingly! Check out your local and state government web pages to find festivals in your area. In Illinois, check out the Illinois Arts Council for a yearly schedule of all the arts and craft fairs in the state. They put out a book each year with a list of all the festivals and art fairs, dates, entry fees, contact information, and deadlines. If you’re not in Illinois, try checking out a great web site called to find events in your area. Many of these fairs have entry deadlines way in advance of the actual fair date, so now is a good time to plan for next year as well.
Get your goals in order and stick with the plan. A clearly defined target is by far the best motivator!
Mary Ryan is not an expert in Marketing and Promoting, just a keen observer in the retail business of which she has been cursed to work in for most of her adult life. She is an Interior Design Consultant and Jewelry Designer and sells her jewelry online in several venues (some still under construction) including
Her blog can be read at
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A multi-part series on marketing, promoting for your online shop.
As a jewelry designer, I always wish I had more time to play around with my shiny beads and findings, creating new little pretties. But as a business woman, I get very frustrated when those same little pretties sit in my on-line shop too long. I would love the day when I can say that I am a full time jewelry designer. But if my pieces don’t sell, that will never be a reality.
I just started selling on-line in March of 2007 on Etsy. And now, at my one year anniversary of opening my Etsy shop, I am taking a look at some much needed changes for my business. Last year, my biggest goal was to get off my butt and get my on-line shop open. I had wasted so much time in previous years wishing and dreaming, and trying to build my own web site with absolutely no clue what I was doing. When I came upon Etsy, it was like a godsend! A ready-made shop to which I only needed to add my jewelry. It was such a no-brainer for someone like me in order to get up and running as quickly as possible. Mission accomplished for 2007! I was so proud of myself.
By the end of July, I was beating my head against the wall with very little sales and no clue how to increase them. I had been reading the Etsy forums religiously and trying to gather all the information I could on how to promote my shop. Here’s what I learned:
*Post in the Forums often to get your shop noticed
*Join the chat rooms to get your shop noticed
*List often to get your shop noticed
*Add a funny comment to the treasuries to get your shop noticed
Guess what I noticed…none of these things worked. I was spending lots of time doing nothing but watching my little avatar on the screen and checking my shop for hearts and views and no sales. Why didn’t I have any sales? I even read those forum threads entitled “Why Don’t I Have Any Sales?” hoping to get some answers. The more I read, the more depressed I got. Everyone sounded like me. At least I wasn’t alone in my misery. I felt like one of those blind mice, walking into walls and never getting anywhere. I marveled at sellers who seemed to have the magic touch. One such seller has been on Etsy only 3 months longer than I have, yet her sales in her jewelry shop alone are pushing 1000. I still would like to know all her secrets but I am starting to realize, they aren’t secrets at all, just good business sense.
But try teaching business to an artist! Having just basic business classes in school, from which I learned nearly nothing, I am left to either wing it or learn from the masters. I started looking at what the top sellers were doing. Not so much what they were selling as HOW they were selling. And I began to make a list that answered the most often asked question, “WHY DON’T I HAVE ANY SALES?!” This time, instead of retreating to the old forum threads, I took a look at my own shop. Here’s what learned this time around:
*Your pictures suck!
*Your one sucky picture in each listing is the only picture in the listing
*Your descriptions suck!
*You don’t have sizes listed
*You don’t ship internationally
*Your domestic shipping charges are outrageous
*You don’t have any tags or have only a few tags in each of your listings
*Oh yah, and your tags suck too!
*You believe that the tips you learned from that famous forum thread actually work
*You believe that it just takes time
*You believe that if serious buyers want your items they will come and find you
*You think it’s cute or a signature trademark to have a family photo or weird picture as your avatar
*Your location is a web address, or worse, not even listed
Well, it’s time to wake up from La La Land, sweetheart, and realize that you are running a business! In the following posts I will attempt to explain away some of the mystery of why sales just aren’t happening.
Here are the things we will be focusing on to help us hit our target.
1. Setting goals (Define a specific target to aim for)
2. Your product (Step up your game)
3. Your pricing (Get what you are worth)
4. Descriptions (Really? Are you kidding?)
5. Photos (What the heck is that? Vs. Ooh! What’s that?!)
6. Merchandising (Dressing your best)
7. Marketing (Are you where you need to be?)
8. Promoting (Passive vs. aggressive)
Stay tuned for the first step in our 8-step rehab program…Setting Goals.
Mary Ryan is not an expert in Marketing and Promoting, just a keen observer in the retail business of which she has been cursed to work in for most of her adult life. She is an Interior Design Consultant and Jewelry Designer and sells her jewelry online in several venues (some still under construction) including
Her blog can be read at