Monday, March 7, 2011

Lost in Transition

There will be no pictures with this post. LOL! You do NOT want to see my studio right now!

For the past few weeks, I've been moving my studio and reorganizing everthing. You know, so I can work faster, find everything easier. I'm in the process of moving my studio to another space and, well, I can't find anything!

I have been organizing tools and supplies into drawers to make the space a bit cleaner. Each drawer set is designated for a specific technique or craft. Sounds like a really organized operation, doesn't it?

However, as an artist, I believe in a different sort of "organization system". I've been so used to my stacks of very highly "organized" piles. I'm definately one of those out of sight, out of mind people.

I will soon have the cleanest, most organized studio in which not a single thing can be found!

(sound familiar to any of my artist friends?)


  1. I can't wait to see the new space! You know me and my system... crammer jammer.

  2. Can't wait to see pics, I'm always organizing my things, then I forget where I put them lol!!

  3. Yes, I can relate! Somehow organizing always means total chaos first. The fun part of out of sight out of mind is that when you find it again it's like getting something new. Hope your new space works out well for you.

  4. Giggle, I so understand! Can't wait to see photos.

  5. Why no pics? Before and After? I will let you off this time!!

  6. WAAAAAAY too familiar!

    hang in there love...can't wait to see it!
